Thursday, March 19, 2009

March 19th, 2009

Set your Gymboss Interval Timer to 30 sec. work and 15 sec. rest.

Start with Goblet Squats as listed above for 30 sec. Rest 15 sec. The following 30 sec. perform 10 reps of Kettlebell Swings. It should take you between 15 & 20 sec. to get in 10 solid Swings. Rest 15 sec. and then start the next station in the circuit.

Complete 2 or 3 rounds. You can always mix it up. Today we started with 2 min. of Get Up Sit Ups. You could start with Turkish Get Ups 3-5 min. Maybe hit 3 min. of TGU's between each round of the circuit.

The workout is only limited by your ability to think outside the box. This is another reason to attend a regular Group Workout if you can. Your Trainer does the thinking for you. You just have to show up! Group ACCOUNTABILITY is huge!!! Going to the gym and wondering what exercise to do next is a big waste of time. 45 min. in and out the door getting more work done than most people who spend over an hour at the gym. What's your time worth???

Video demo below of the Kneeling Press.